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Krewe De Platine

Honoring Our Donors

Krewe de Platine

We thank our donors who made a gift during the previous fiscal year, July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021.

Krewe de Platine ‑ $10,000+

Alan Lacoste, MD

Alice M. Weber*

American Dental Education Association

Anne Sholes, MD and Mark Dias


Baptist Community Ministries

Bernard and Marie Lahasky Foundation

Booth-Bricker Fund

Bradley J. Chastant, MD and Mary Chastant

Cancer Crusaders, Inc.

Charles and Elizabeth Wetmore Fund

Charles H. Packman

Daniel J. Domingue, DDS

Dentaquest Foundation

Direct Biologics, LLC

Dr. and Mrs. Fred G. Rew

Dr. Edward L. Donaldson, Jr.

Dr. Jim Wittliff and Mitzie Wittliff

Dr. King and Kari Scott

Drs. Tricia Ingraham Paulsen and Tom Paulsen

Duna Penn, MD

Edward F. and Louise B. Martin Family Fund

Evelyn K. Hayes, MD

Germaine and J. Jerome Smith, DDS

Gray S. Parker and Mary Kay Parker

Guy P. Zeringue III, MD and Myra L. Zeringue

Hannelore H. Giles, MD

Jill M. Donaldson, DDS

Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation

Joy McCann Foundation

Karen T. Stall Research & Breast Institute

Kenneth B. Sherman, MD

KLS Martin L.P.

Lisa M. Jaubert, MD and Daniel G. Casey, Sr.

Louisiana Board of Regents/Educational Quality Support Fund

Louisiana Dental Center (Joseph R. Lacoste, Jr., DDS & Associates)

Marcia H. Beer

Michael B. Halle, MD and Danella Halle

Najeeb M. Thomas, MD and E. Summer Thomas, MD

National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.

Neil J. Maki, MD

Nobel Biocare USA, LLC

Parsemus Foundation

Patrick F. Taylor Foundation

Patton Family Associates, LLC

Paul M. Hendrix, MD

Renick P. Webb, MD and Pamela Webb

Reverend Sherrolyn G. Weed

Richard P. Dickey, MD, Ph.D. and Wilma K. Dickey

Ronald D. Alvarez, MD and Denise Alvarez

Sally A. Kinley

Sonavex, Inc.

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

The Theresa Bittenbring Marque and John Henry Marque Fund

Virginia Angelico Tatum DDS Charitable Fund, a Donor Advised

Fund of the U.S. Charitable Gift Trust

W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.

Warren L. Gottsegen, MD and Rebecca Gottsegen

Zimmer Biomet

Louisiana Dental Center

Direct Biologics, LLC

Cancer Crusaders, Inc.

Greater New Orleans Foundation

Patton Family Associates, LLC